
Charlie Victor Products was founded in 2014 by me, Duncan Holman, bringing together my personal, creative, and professional passions under one roof. Through Charlie Victor, I connect with the local, domestic, and international tabletop Fantasy Football family and the film fan community. Everything I create is for the community; nothing gives me greater pleasure than seeing my designs out there in the world.

I’m 43, a self-employed designer with over 25 years of experience in the design industry, residing in Leicester, UK, with my wife, Elen, and our two children, Sasha and Nikita. I love indulging in good food, watching quality films, spending time with good friends, and rolling through terrible sequences of dice.

In 2015, I established the Leicester Blood Bowl League (LBBL) and proudly served as Commissioner for five seasons. Like Charlie Victor itself, it was born from a desire to bring together like-minded individuals and elevate the hobby to new heights. After passing on the reins in 2018, Charlie Victor continued its journey by launching three successful Indiegogo campaigns and three additional campaigns on Kickstarter, further solidifying its presence within the Fantasy Football community. Some elements of these campaigns can be purchased in the Store.

From creating swag for a dozen coaches in 2015 to supplying 2000+ player events now, my goals remain the same: Have fun, make cool stuff, grow the hobby. If you believe I can contribute to your team, club, or event, don’t hesitate to contact me. Let’s make something!